Guitars and drums are perhaps among the most popular musical instruments in the market. Musically inclined or not, it is hard not to appreciate how much better it is to listen to songs being belted out by popular singers with these instruments accompanying them. These instruments create an additional vibe that attracts better listener's attention. It adds that that pinch of color that makes a composition memorable. This is why, it is not anymore surprising how musicians nowadays use either or both instruments to make their music more interesting. 

The Guitar

A guitar belongs to the family of string instruments. It is usually made up of wood or sturdy plastic materials with the strings it comes with being composed of either nylon or steel. On a regular guitar, one would usually notice a set of six strings attached to it. However, there are also instances when instead of six, there are four strings, eight, or as much as twelve. These strings need to be tuned accordingly to produce the appropriate sound. Turning the tuning pegs too tight can cause the strings to break altogether. On the other hand, not enough pressure in turning the tuning pegs would loosen up the string which would not create the right tune you are aiming for. 


A guitar makes sound from the vibration produced by strumming, plucking, and even picking the string. Because of the guitar's structure and add-ons, the sound produced through vibration is being amplified, making it sound louder than it actually is. Each string produces a different sound which is determined by its length and its weight. But when tuned right and when set accordingly, the sound that the set of guitar strings creates when played results to a good harmony.


Which guitar is best for beginners?


Guitars come in assorted shapes, sizes, and even color. They even come in different types - acoustic, bass, and electric. They have many uses depending on the type of guitarist you are aiming to be. This is why there are those musicians who purchase more than one guitar to enhance their skills in. 


A guitar is not a one-size fits all musical instrument. Yes, there are readily made available guitars in the market, but those who take playing guitar seriously choose to get one that is custom-made. They ensure that the guitar they will get can compliment their height and built, the length of their arms, and whatnot. They also make sure that their needs and preferences will be met by their choice. 


If you are a newbie enthusiast however, who simply wants to try playing guitar, then the above-mentioned considerations are among the things you should not be concerned about yet. You should focus on determining if playing guitar is something you really want to be serious about and if you are passionate about it. Start your journey with something easy and will not make you feel frustrated. Most of the time, the best choice is an acoustic guitar. 


An acoustic guitar is the easiest and most straightforward guitar to use. It has a hole in its body which allows every strum and pluck you make sounds louder and clearer. You can use this type of guitar as is. There is no need for an amplifier system just for the sound of your acoustic guitar to be heard (unless you want it way louder and the acoustic guitar you have is an electro-acoustic one with slot for amplifiers). This makes this super portable and easier to carry wherever you go. 


Can you teach yourself guitar?


The presence of the internet nowadays makes it possible for people to develop skills on their own. Back then, you'd need a tutor just so you can learn the different chords and the correct way to strum. Today however, you only need a good internet connection and a computer, then you are good to go. You can already review the available resources in the World Wide Web that will teach you all the things you need to know about playing the guitar, starting from the very basic up to the secrets kept by pros in the field. Plus, you can set your own pace in the learning process and not feel pressured about it. 


Youtube remains to be the platform of choice for those who are looking for self-learning. This is not surprising because this channel showcases video tutorials that are very easy to follow. Note that many professional guitarists claim that they only learned the skill from Youtube. But this is not without perseverance and hardwork. The learning process takes time depending on how fast you absorb the information and how soon you master the skills. But young and old, you can learn to play the guitar if you want to do so. There is no such thing as being too late if you really want to learn.


How much is a guitar?


There are cheap guitars and there are expensive guitars. This depends on the type you are looking for. If you are looking for a professional and custom-made one, expect to shed some bucks that sometimes could even break the bank for costing some thousand dollars. Good examples for this are the branded classical guitars and electric guitars. For the latter, anticipate even further expenses for amplifiers.


Cheaper guitar varieties are available for beginners. For instance, there is an acoustic guitar type that you can get for as low as $50. But expect the price to rise if you are looking for some high quality ones. Prepare to spend around $300 to $500 for a decent acoustic guitar that will last. Although cheaper, this type of acoustic guitar is still worth buying. You can maximize its use depending on the effort and work you put into playing it. 


Here are some cheap but good beginner guitar choices for you:


  1. Epiphone DR-100 Acoustic Guitar
  2. Jasmine S35 Acoustic Guitar
  3. Yamaha FS800 Solid Top Small Body Acoustic Guitar
  4. Fender FA-100 Beginner Acoustic Guitar
  5. Alvarez Artist Series AD30 Acoustic Guitar


No matter what guitar you choose, it is still important that you tested it first in the store and you feel right about it. If you are not sure, you can research further and ask for assistance from the store itself. 


Who invented guitar?


Who could remember the day when guitar has not yet existed? No one? This is because guitars have existed for many centuries already. Although the development and improvement of modern guitars can be attributed to some personalities, it is said that guitar-like instruments have already made its presence even back during ancient Egypt times. Many suppositions are available in different texts on what race discovered guitars. But one this is for sure, this has already been around since the early times. 


What is the oldest guitar in the world?


As mentioned, no one can really trace where the first guitar originated and how it first came to be. String instruments that resemble guitars are already present even during the 15th century. However, the guitar created by Belchior Diaz has stolen the spot of being widely recognized as the oldest guitar in the world. This is called the vihuela and holds a set of 10 strings. 


Although the oldest, there is still a much more valuable guitar than vihuela and this is the “Reach Out To Asia” Fender Stratocaster. This is the by-product of Bryan Adams project which aimed to provide assistance to the casualties of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. This guitar signed by some of the most famous rockstars was sold for $2.7 million. 


If you are still looking for guitars to start with, maybe you'd also appreciate checking out what the oldest guitar company has to offer. This is C.F. Martin which is trusted when it comes to high quality guitars. Who knows, your choice of guitar may be the next most expensive guitar sold in the market. 


The Drums


While a guitar is a string instrument, drums on the other hand, is a percussion one. This can produce sound through the vibrations of a tautly stretched membrane over a hollow body. A drum may be played by rhythmically and repeatedly striking it with hands or sticks. Depending on your preference and how it will be used, a drum can be played as a set or as a single instrument. 


Drums already have evolved overtime. Nowadays, you can already see that there are many different types of drums. There are small drums and big drums. There are those that come in tall sizes. Also, drums look different in a variety of cultures. 


What drums are made up of?


If you are going to buy a drum, whether a set or a single one, the first thing you will notice is the super stretched covering that covers the body the drum from one surface end to the other. This is also known as the membrane or the head. During the early times, this head was made from animal skin or hide. Nowadays however, you will find it to be made up of polymer or kevlar. You will also find the body of the drum to be made up of different materials. Wood, metal, and aluminum are just some of elements used to manufacture a drum. 


You will find nowadays that more and more prefer using sticks to play the drum. While wood had been the staple in creating this ever since time immemorial, modern times also allow already the use of carbon materials and even metal. So don't be surprised if you find drums sticks of these types.


Are drums the oldest instrument?


Our forefathers had been creative in coming up with entertainment and this includes creating musical instruments they used as means to add color to their everyday gathering. They converted things like animal bones, wood, leaves, shells, and even the sticks they found around them to create interesting sounds. Over time, our ancestors have created a significant improvement in their musical instruments that many of which we have adopted and modernized as we continue to use them at present time.


Evidence shows that percussion instruments are among the earliest instruments made and used during ancient times. Drums were not necessarily proven to be the first musical instrument that was used. It is not easy to determine what musical instrument came first because of a variety of factors. But records show that drums existed as early as 5500 to 2350 BC. They are made for the primary purpose of rituals and ceremonies. 


Drums also played an important role in wars. They were used mainly to harmonize the steps of marching soldiers. But that does not stop its function because it also served as a way of communication to execute military strategies especially between the captains and their subordinates. Drums also served as a good warning device in times of an attack. 


Drums also hold a high place in the African culture. And no, they are not only using this instrument as a form of entertainment. African integrate especially hand drums in all aspects of their lives. But although this is the case, Africa is not the country where this instrument originated. The first sightings of an instrument resembling a drum was recorded in China. 


What makes a drum a drum?


A drum is a drum because of its composition. This is among the membranophones family because it has that taut membrane on the drum head that when vibrates, produces sound. This percussion instrument, although used primarily for rituals in ancient times, is commonly seen today blending perfectly with an array of musical instruments. 


Although playing drums is not always easy for everyone, when done right, it can enhance different types of musical performances. In fact, it can even get its own spotlight if the drummer is really skillful. Especially when a drum set is being used in a performance, the unique sound each drum makes is enough to provide an additional 'bang' to the overall show, not only impressing the audience but making them want to come back for more. 


If you are planning to be a drummer and start a drum kit or a drum set, then you may be wondering what types of drums should be there to complete it. The regular set is composed of a bass drum, a snare drum, and some toms. Aside from drums, a drum set should also have other types of percussion instruments such as the hi-hats and cymbals. All these are assembled and played accordingly to create a harmonized rhythm. But although the above mentioned are the normal combinations for a drum set, one can still extend it by adding more related instruments that will meet your specifications. 


What types of drums are there?


It was mentioned above that there are many different types of drums. They are different from each other in the way they look and the technique used in playing them. Some types of drums are listed below:


  1. Djembe (hand drum)


One type of African drums is the Djembe. This is important to the African culture because it is used to accompany all of their occasions especially those with significant meaning and those that lean on the spiritual side. This may have a goatskin head can be tuned with the use of a rope. 


  1. Congas (hand drum)


These are Cuban drums that are distinct due to their height. They are usually played in groups.


  1. Tambourine (frame drum)


Who would not know a tambourine? But the surprising thing is that it is a type of a drum as well. The distinct quality of this is that it has jingles that provide additional charm as you create music with it. 


  1. Bass drum 


This comes in different sizes and usually the drum with a dull and low sound. 


  1. Snare drum


Opposite to the bass drum, this produces a higher-pitched sound which can be attributed to the extreme tension it holds.  


There are many other drums available out there. If you are thinking about what you are getting and still cannot decide, you can always go to the nearest music store in your place and inquire. They can help you especially if you want to assemble your own drum kit. 


Are drums hard to learn?


It is easy to make a sound using a drum. The hard part is creating a sound that makes sense. However, with hard work and patience, you can master the skill needed to be good at it. This is most especially since there are already a lot of resources available to you with the help of the internet. You can self-learn by reading or watching video tutorials. You can also get tips from those who have long been playing drums in the field. But if these do not work for you, you can always hire a tutor - online or not. 


Do drummers read music?


Contrary to what many believe, reading music is important especially to budding musicians. There are those who would challenge this and say that this is not necessary. But at the end of the day, if you really want to be a professional in playing drums, then you'd want all the advantages you can get. Besides, there are times when you need to play a specific piece and not being able to read the music could cause you not only to make mistakes in your performance, but could mean your reputation as well. 


Can you lose weight playing the drums?


Drums are among the most interesting musical instruments. It is quite impressive when you master the skills needed in being good at it. By having exceptional skills, many opportunities will open to you that can even bring you to Hollywood. But did you know that aside from being able to show off your hard work, playing the drums can bring also a positive impact to your well-being?


If you do not know it yet, playing the drums can trigger weight loss. It is a good way to burn calories since you utilize your whole body in the process. This is even a lot better than playing some sports. In fact, there are people who want to learn how to play the drum just because of this. 


Do drummers use sheet music?


You may not always see it but like other musicians who play other instruments, there are drummers that make use of music sheets. This is most especially if they are not familiar with the song they are going to play or the composition needs to be followed to the dot. The only difference about the sheet music drummers use is that instead of just the usual notes dotting the musical staff, indicated there are the actual instruments within a set that need to be played. 


There is no problem if you do not know this. There are many ways to learn and many professionals who can help you with the learning process. While it is better to start young, there is no age limit in learning. When you persevere, perhaps you can even master what deemed to be among the hardest compositions that can be played on drums such as Moby Dick and Goliath.


Do drums have pitch?


Like some other instruments, drums also have different pitches. It could be adjusted and tuned depending on what you think is the best setting. Likewise, drums also have ghost notes. These are usually played in a relatively lower volume than normal notes. This is a bit tricky so one needs to pay attention when learning and executing it. 


You can know more about pitches and ghost notes as you move along the learning process. If you are a beginner, manage your expectations. You can't expect to master everything in one day. Give yourself time and just do your best if you want to get serious in this undertaking. 


Wrapping it up


Drums and guitar are two instruments that are very interesting to learn. They are great accompaniments to many compositions. With them around, listening to music is a lot more interesting.

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